two guys and a song


a guy riding his bicycle in the street was singing a song
a guy, walking down the same street, heard him and started singing the same song

an email


 got the kindest email from someone i admire

a surprise


excerpts from sean on the cass mccombs' new album :)

a sentence + a fact


"à la fin c'est les gentils qui gagnent" - Clément

+ + + 

my parents met on october 7th 1983 :) 

a combination


richard tuttle collage x these two parrots !

an old blind man


on my way back home
an old blind man stepped into the metro and sat down in front of me
behind him, three people started to play some traditional music
with a flute, a small 12 strings guitar and a ukulele
that was truly beautiful
the old man seemed surprised, and suddenly, smiled and seemed to be at peace and happy
his eyes were rolling, mine were staring at him
and slowly, i felt tears coming into my eyes.

a plant


i've been looking for a pilea for months.
a few days ago, i went to brussels, where i've met delphine who kindly hosted me
she gave me this (her!) little pilea.
this is so nice and inspiring, having this little plant on my table while i'm making necklaces.

a sentence


"thank you for being awesome" - Ty Segall

a photo


i love Emahoy's face on this picture taken a few days ago in Jerusalem.
Emahoy Tségué-Mariam Guebru plays one of the most heartbreaking music.

(photo by Tal Shahar)


i've been quiet here
a life without laptop for a few days
and daily-blogging, in a very personal way, is quite a hard exercise !

some moments


late night
dancing to this song
laughing out loud on this video

a moment


leaving the office early 
enjoying the seine banks
telling me how lucky i am to live here 

my friend


picking up my best friend delphine from the train station
(us, in 94)

a song


a man


mark kologi collects old photos, which don't belong to him, taken by strangers.
mark kologi lives in los angeles and calls himself the photo man.
here's a portrait of this man, fascinating and sensitive, who has deep thoughts about his work. 

a picture



a song


played very loud during a dj set at le trabendo

a lunch


an unexpected lunch with maxence at le cambodge
delicious food and weird fruits
the sweetest people

a book + a song


twenties are gone, by felicia atkinson
in the mailbox


on repeat 

the sky


the sky at noon
perfectly blue
and if you look closely, you will see the moon.


the happiness collection ::
because dealing with the world today is tough, in general and in our daily life, the happy things are less common than they should be. 
as a memory, i just want to collect a thing a day that made me happy and share it with whoever who will stumble across that blog.
it will be way more personnal than HomeCollection., 
but the idea is to share a happy thing.
// and maybe you could participate too, posting your happy thing in comment :-)

(picture taken in brooklyn, june 2013)